Sunday, March 20, 2011

California Hardest Hit Fund Foreclosure Assistance - Strategic Focus

The California State Housing Authority has taken targeted measures to provide assistance to homeowners in financial hardship through the Hardest Hit Fund.

Like all states receiving help from HHF they have worked hard at developing innovative mortgage assistance programs targeted to the specific needs of their homeowners foreclosure assistance needs.

In addition to developing new programs they have adopted the approach of improving and expanding existing efforts and foreclosure prevention programs already in place.

California has decided to hyper focus borrower assistance resources towards aiding low to moderate income homeowners.

A core theme in the development and design of their approach is to ensure that their programs and the operations of their assistance efforts remain flexible and agile. This is in response to the success that the Obama home affordable mortgage assistance programs have had with the same approach.

To get the most bang out of their buck California foreclosure assistance efforts has put significant measures in place to have lenders, loan servicers, and PMI insurers to match their efforts dollar to dollar.

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California Foreclosure Prevention Programs - Hardest Hit Fund Program