Below is a general list of on-site activities that will enhance search engine visibility.
Common On-site SEO Activity
- Linking keywords with in your site to other corresponding pages with out taking away from user experience.
- Creating relevant meta tags for keywords and descriptions that are short, accurate, and precise.
- keeping a consistent feel and design through out your entire site.
- Maintaining common sense and easy navigation system or strategy for your site including the actual structure of the URLs themselves.
- Try to keep out bound links to a minimum and perhaps only do so from a blog.
- Write articles in a structured user and search engine friendly manor.
- Keep article topics narrow and focused on the topic and keyword you are optimizing for.
- Use relevant pictures and provide keyword in tags, description and title of picture. Provide captions.
- Have a site map.
- Track your sites performance with some sort of statistics and analytical software such as Google Analytics.
- Update and improve upon your existing content as needed.
- Make sure you can get to every page on your site from any given page.
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