Sunday, October 17, 2010

Verizon vs AT&T - Comparing iPad Data Plan Financial Value

In my last post I reported that Verizon and AT&T will soon be selling the iPad in all retail locations. The iPad will be available through these two companies before the month of October is out. I believe the exact date is October 28th.

I made no effort to hide my personal feelings about this notion. I was very transparent about my excitement and anticipation for the new Verizon option. They will now add competition to AT&T's data plan solution for iPad owners and users.

I want to prove my point. I wanted to do a post comparing AT&T and Verizon iPad data plans.

The comparisons I have below are simple. I took the lowest cost lowest value plan for each company and calculated the Dollar per GB ratio for each plan. I did the exact same thing for the highest cost highest value plan of each company. Below are the results. I don't want to say I told you so but I told you so.


  • Best value = $12.50 per GB
  • Worst Value = $60.00 per GB
  • Now that is the AT&T I know and love.
  • Great job guys way to bend over the struggling American consumer. What a service.


  • Best Value = $1.25 per GB that is literally 1/10 of the cost of AT&T.
  • Worst Value = $20.00 per GB which is a 1/3 of the cost of AT&T.

So you can spend 1000% - 300% more for a AT&T data plan or you can take that money and pay for your iPad data plan with Verizon as well as 3 - 10 plans for your friends depending on your social life.

Decisions, decisions.

BUY Verizon