Friday, October 15, 2010

Online Advertising Spending Round Up

Well the overall economy, the housing market, and consumer credit may be struggling but there is one side of the economy who missed the recession memo.

The online advertising and marketing industry is popping like never before. The entire industry seems to be doing well. All the usual suspects are turning big gains in revenue, profits, and of course possibility.

In this post I want to take a look at the mechanics of what is driving the ever increasing online advertiser spending.

Display Advertising

Google has seen a huge jump in online display advertising. is operating at over 100,000,000,000 monetized page views annually. This means that they (my speculation) have another 700,000,000,000 page views to figure out how to monetize.

I would say things are looking pretty good on that end.

Display advertising overall for Google is projected to create 2 or 3 billion of revenue this year. Though this is maybe 10% or even less of total revenues for Google, the fact that it is even worth mentioning is a huge breakthrough for google who for the longest time was simply not competing in the display adverting market.

Overall Google profits jumped about 33% year over year.


Break Down of the Display Advertising Market Online

Total Display Advertising Market is 8.6 Billion

  • AOL  -  4% -  $344,000,000.00
  • Google - 6% - $516,000,000.00
  • FaceBook. - 10% -  $860,000,000.00
  • Yahoo! - 15% - $ 1,300,000,000.00

What I think is particularly interesting about this break down is that the numbers imply that the giants of the online industry are only accounting for about 1/3 of the total display advertising market.

Other big ones I can name from off the top of my head are which is a network. See the display below...

Then there are some large websites such as which have to make a dent.

Any how one thing for sure is that the display advertising dollars and industry have a lot of room to grow and have a lot of uncertainty in exactly who and what will work for the long term and why.

It is going to be an exciting ride.

I am sure that finance bloggers are going to be all over this thing.